About the company

Mediana LLC provides biostatistical consulting services and develops software tools to implement innovative trial designs and advanced statistical methods for clinical trials.

Open-source software

Mediana has been an active contributor to the development of free and open-source software for clinical trials, including tools for clinical trial simulations and for designing Phase II and Phase III trials.

MedianaDesigner (R package)

This package supports efficient simulation-based power and sample size calculations for a broad class of late-stage clinical trials.

The latest stable version of the package can be downloaded from CRAN and the latest development version can be found on Github.

For more information on this package, visit Mediana’s web site and review the online manuals:

MCPModPack (R package)

This package provides an efficient implementation of the MCPMod (Multiple Comparisons and Modeling) method to support a simulation-based design and analysis of dose-finding trials with normally distributed, binary and count endpoints.

The latest production version of the package is available on CRAN. The latest development version can be found on Github.

Online training programs

Online training programs on key topics in clinical trial statistics and clinical trial simulation can be found on Mediana’s YouTube channel.

The web pages for the individual training courses: